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The Dance Collective is still continuing to make important changes to the way our dance classes run so that we can try to limit the spread of Covid-19.


Please be rest assured that Sutton Coldfield Methodist Church are still taking their cleaning duties very seriously and The Dance Collective will still be cleaning all touch points between classes.


  • We still have 5-10 minute intervals between classes for cleaning and to ensure safe sign-in and sign-out procedures.

  • There will still be hand sanitiser stations throughout the building.

  • Sanitising upon entry and exit will be encouraged for all students/ staff.

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it is still encouraged, especially as we head into the winter months!

  • Students will be encouraged to sneeze/ cough into their elbows.

  • Props in class will not be shared and always thoroughly cleaned between each use.


There are still designated drop-off and pick up points to avoid crowding/ bottle-necks and to be able to implement a one-way system through the building.


  • Drop-off will be at the main entrance near the front of the car park (usual entry point).

  • Only one parent/guardian should bring the student to the drop-off point.

  • You will be asked to queue outside, 2 metres apart.

  • You will be allocated an entry time that is 5 mins before your class start time. e.g. 10:50am for a class that starts at 10:55am.

  • Students will only be let in at their specified entry time by a member of staff.

  • Parents/ guardians of children under 5 will be allowed into the venue with their child, adults are encouraged to wear masks.

  • All other children must enter the venue without a parent and will be taken into the care of a member of staff.

  • If a student is dropped off late for class then they will not be permitted entry. Due to our new registration process it is vital that students arrive for their designated drop-off time and no later.


  • Our pick-up point is around the back of the car park out of a fire exit door.

  • Again, we ask that parents/ guardians queue 2m apart whilst waiting to collect their child.

  • Your pick-up time is the end time of the class. e.g class finishes at 11:35am so that is your collection time.

  • Each student will be signed out by a member of staff and returned to their parent/ guardian.

  • Late collection cannot be tolerated as we have a limit on the number of students we can have in our room at one time.

  • However, we will always keep a child safe with us if necessary and will call to make arrangements with their parent/ guardian for safe collection.


Whilst good hygiene and safety are of course important to us and steps are outlined below, we also want to ensure that our students still have the same fun, welcoming and friendly experience that they always get in our classes.


  • Classes are limited to 10 maximum students per class.

  • Coloured spots (floor markers) may be used to mark out 2m between each student for the younger classes.

  • Students will still be encouraged to leave any coats & outdoor shoes in Room 4 on their designated chair before entering the dance space.

  • If students bring a toy with them, we do not discourage this as it may be a comfort for them, but we may ask them to leave it with their belongings in Room 4.

  • Parents/ Guardians will not be allowed in the classroom (unless it is a designated parent & toddler class).

  • We are now allowing travelling exercises that move around the space, but will be doing these in a controlled way.


Uniform is very important to us and we expect students to turn up to classes neat and tidy. 


  • Students are still encouraged to enter the venue in their outdoor shoes and then change into their dance shoes once inside. Dance shoes must be kept clean and never worn outside to help limit the spread of germs.

  • Please ensure that students are able to put on and remove outdoor shoes easily on their own without assistance. Slip-on or Velcro shoes, no laces, are encouraged.

  • Bare feet in class is still not permitted, therefore ballet shoes are essential for ballet class and for contemporary classes jazz shoes, ballet shoes or contemporary dance socks are encouraged instead of bare feet. Normal socks are not encouraged as the wooden floor can be very slippery.

  • You should order uniform directly through us to ensure it is the correct Royal Academy of Dance approved dancewear.

  • We do not sell dance shoes and would encourage you get them properly fitted at a dancewear shop (our recommendation is below) and try avoid buying supermarket brands as they are the wrong material and fitting.

  • We will be encouraging all students to take their belongings home with them as we will not be keeping a lost property box until further notice.

  • Ballet cardigans or warm layers that are easy to put on/ remove will be encouraged as we still have to keep some windows and doors open for ventilation purposes.

  • Trial students may wear leggings and a t-shirt for their first class, but must wear ballet shoes (ideally) or socks for their first lesson. No bare feet permitted.


OUR RECOMMENDATION (for dance shoes):
The Dancer's Room, 33 Sandford St, Lichfield WS13 6QA

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